FIAP har opdateret deres cloud, med en række billeder fra årets ansøgninger

I would like to inform you that some recent images of your country are submitted to the FIAP cloud

As the number of pictures that FIAP receives every year is very high, it was decided that a limited number of pictures should be placed on the cloud. This restriction is necessary for financial reasons.

All the photos sent to FIAP are kept on several hard drives, which are located at different addresses. They form the artistic patrimony of FIAP.

Four photographers, namely, Mr. Riccardo Busi, President of FIAP, Mr. Luis Franke, FIAP Directory Board Member, Mr. Jef Lemmens, director of the FIAP Collections Service and Mrs. Chris Discart MFIAP, EFIAP/d2 decide which photographs are stored on the cloud. Their choice does not imply any value judgment.

Here you can find the new images:

Med venlig hilsen

Arvid Nielsen
SDF udland